Our Plan

Ben Fletcher is standing to be our next Member of Parliament for Crewe and Nantwich. He has a plan to get things done.

Ben has 25 years of experience in leading large businesses and charities, creating jobs and opportunities. He knows how to solve problems and get things done - and he's not a career politician. As our MP, Ben will use the skills and experiences he has to ensure Crewe and Nantwich is a thriving community, an attractive and safe place to live, work, and raise a family. He looks forward to earning the trust and confidence of Crewe and Nantwich.


  • Championing our Town Centres.

    Our town centres have so much to offer. Ben is committed to securing the investment they need. Crewe has been awarded £22.9 million for the Town Deal, providing much needed investment.

  • Backing our NHS.

    Ben used to run Boots Opticians - providing primary NHS healthcare to millions of people. He knows how critical local health services are to people. He is fighting for better access to NHS services and supports the redevelopment of Leighton hospital.

  • Making journeys easier and more reliable.

    The Conservative government has committed for £25 million a year for the next 7 years to improve transport across Cheshire East. Ben knows that local buses are a lifeline for many, and how the recent disruption to services towards Leighton hospital has impacted people.

  • Tackling Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.

    Everyone deserves to feel safe no matter where they are or what they are doing. Whether you're a business or at home. That's why the Conservative government has recruited 20,000 extra police - including over 300 here in Cheshire.

  • Reforming Educational Services.

    Since 2010, the number of schools in England rated good or outstanding has risen from 68% to 90%. Listening to residents and families across the constituency. Ben knows that there is more to be done when it comes to Special Educational Needs (SEN).

  • Delivering more jobs and opportunities.

    Local businesses are the backbone of our economy. Ben wants to make it easier to run a business. This means reform of business rates and VAT to lessen the burden on local businesses.