Cracking Down On Crime And Anti-Social Behaviour

Everyone should have the freedom to feel safe, no matter where they are or what they are doing. Whether you're a business or just at home.

I know that anti-social behaviour is a worry for many. No one should fear going out of their home. I also understand the impact this has on local businesses - That's why this Conservative Government has stuck to its promise of recruiting 20,000 extra police officers. This includes securing 322 extra police officers for Cheshire. I am campaigning to see our fair share here in on the streets of Nantwich, I will continue this work as your MP in an attempt to tackle speeding, and Anti-Social Behaviour - so you and your family feel safe.

Please take a minute to fill in my survey below - how do you think police resources should be used locally?

Crime Survey

  • Current Crime Survey
  • Representation
  • Get involved
  • Your details
How safe do you feel walking around our local area? On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is extremely unsafe and 10 is extremely safe.
How satisfied are you with policing in your neighbourhood?
Have you or a family member recently experienced or witnessed crime?
If you answered yes to the previous question, was it dealt with quickly and satisfactorily?
Thinking about our area, which issues would you like our police officers to focus on?

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Tackling Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.

Everyone deserves to feel safe no matter where they are or what they are doing. Whether you're a business or at home. That's why the Conservative government has recruited 20,000 extra police - including over 300 here in Cheshire.